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Reviewers (SES/PES)
Day 1
Let's get started
Additional information
Our services
After-sales services
Editing in Word and internal CACTUS requirements (9:08)
Pop quiz
How to edit (3:24)
Practice edit (500 words, no LFTE, no formatting, with key)
Additional reading
Day 2
Letter from the Editor
Standard Editing Services
Proofreading, spellcheck, and ctrl+F checks (6:17)
Quick Tip: Guidelines and database
Style sheet, conventions in statistics, expressing SI unit names and symbols
Practice edit (1000 words, LFTE, no formatting, 4 h)
Day 3
Avoiding unnecessary changes
Ensuring technical accuracy
Googling effectively
Keyboard shortcuts (11:26)
Equations: General guidelines
Readability in scientific writing
Day 4
Writing comments (7:02)
Formatting and word count reduction (22:54)
Formatting exercise (approx. 4000 words)
Template formatting (8:39)
Template formatting exercise (4000 words)
Day 5
Covering letter guidelines
Language enhancement guide (LEG)
Quality Index
Screening jobs before reviews
Review process for beginner edits under Standard Editing
Using a compare merge
Practice review (1000 words, SES, with LFTE, beginner-level check)
Day 6
Review (2000 words, SES, with LFTE, beginner-level check)
Day 7
Giving QI and QI comments
Using QI recommender
Review (2500 words, SES, with LFTE, beginner-level check, with instruction to draft QI)
Day 8
Style guides: APA, MLA, ACS, and AMA
Editing translation assignments
Review Level 2 Translation edit (2500 words, beginner-level check, with instruction to draft QI)
Day 9
Review process for non-beginners under Standard Editing
Review (4000 words, non-beginner, formatting, with instruction to draft QI)
Reviewing with ahkJobUtil
Day 10
Editing LaTeX files
Reviewing LaTeX files
Review LaTeX assignment (over 2000 words, non-beginner, with instruction to draft QI)
Day 11
Premium Editing Services (PES and PES Plus) (12:57)
Beginner reviews under PES
Practice PES review (2000 words, PES, beginner, formatting, with instruction to draft QI)
Further reading: PES
Day 12
PES review (3000 words, PES, beginner, formatting, with instruction to draft QI)
Day 13
Reviewing non-beginner PES review
Review (over 4000 words, PES, non-beginner, formatting, with instruction to draft QI)
Day 14
Multiple Round Edits (MREs) and Client Questions (CQs) (11:29)
PES MRE edit (with RLC)
Day 15
4 reviews (2 beginner and 2 non-beginner, mix of formatting and no-formatting
Day 16
Editing SoPs
Conventions in linguistics
Terminology in language teaching
Flagging ethical misconduct
Editing non-academic documents
Editing "accepted" manuscripts
Useful resources
Editing content in PowerPoint and Excel files
Editing PDF files
Orientation to corporate clients
Abstract writing
Day 17
Quiz: Process test for reviewers
My Report
Avoiding a deadline breach
Before you begin Phase 2
Process checklist for live jobs
Guidelines for quality re-edits
Review process for quality re-edits and trial jobs
Process for CD jobs and CD audits
Reviewing "Abstract–Cover Letter Dev" assignments
CRM guide for reviewers
Template formatting
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